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Super T Capsules

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Super T is our most powerful Formula to date. For men who want improved Sexual Performance, Unbreakable Confidence, Increased Strength, Energy, Drive and More...

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Tried Supplements and Herbs to Improve Your Performance in Bed, But None of Them Worked?

Revealed: The Ultimate Male Hormone 10X Stronger Than Regular Testosterone…

It’ll Skyrocket Your Sex-Drive, Performance and Confidence, Whatever Your Age…

Big Pharma doesn’t want you to know about it…
And they even sell you drugs which destroy this hormone…
Even though it’s 10X as POWERFUL as Testosterone…
Makes you feel strong and resilient...
Relaxed and confident...
Full of energy, able to handle all of life’s challenges…
At ANY age. Even in your 50’s, 60’s, 70’s and beyond.
Big Pharma also doesn’t want you to know

that INCREASING your levels of this hormone is



Costs just pennies a day…

And can give you a Higher Sex-Drive and Rock Hard Erections…

At ANY age.

Why doesn’t Big Pharma want you to know this?

Because every year they make BILLIONS selling dangerous DRUGS that LOWER this hormone…

Leaving millions of men limp and lifeless.

Read on and I’ll explain everything you need to know…

Just be prepared to get a little ANGRY. A huge LIE is about to be uncovered…
One of The Most Impressive Men I Know, Now Struggling to Feel Like a Man…

I’ve known my friend Mark for over 20 years. Used to train together when I was a powerlifter.

Mark was always a strong, high energy guy - even deep into his 50s. He was incredibly productive: running several successful businesses, very involved in his local community.

But about a year ago, Mark confessed something I didn't expect…


He told me that despite feeling healthy in many ways, he didn't actually feel great as a man.

Mark explained:

Genuinely surprised, I asked why he thought this was happening, despite being fit and healthy overall.

Mark said:

I had to admit I didn't. Mark was doing everything I advise my clients to do to stay in top condition. But for some reason, it wasn't working for him.

My business partner Elwin Robinson is an expert on men's health. I told him about my friend Mark's issues, hoping he'd have insights.

Elwin asked the same questions I did, but was also stumped…

Fortunately, Elwin loves analyzing data. So when I mentioned Mark had extensive medical testing done, Elwin said:

I didn't hear back for months. Then one day Elwin called excitedly:

"Adam, I Figured it Out!
The Missing Link!"

I asked, confused.

Elwin explained:

What Elwin shared next blew my mind…

Because it has the potential to revolutionize the health and vitality of millions of men…

Including YOU!

If you’ve tried superfoods, herbs, supplements, “lifestyle changes” and more, in the hope of improving your mood, boosting your sex-drive and improving your sexual performance…

…yet nothing has worked…

Then THIS “Missing Link” could be the Game Changer you've been looking for… allowing you to reclaim your power, potency and drive

Keep reading - your best years might still be ahead!

Why Many Guys in Their 20’s Can’t Get Hard…

Yet Some 80 Year Olds Can SATISFY
Women a Quarter of Their Age…

A recent study showed that over 30% of men under age 30 are either not having sex…

Or have never had sex.

Many of these guys CANNOT have sex, even if the opportunity presents itself. They’re impotent!

ED is no longer just an “old man’s problem.”

It’s affecting men of all ages.

That said, some old guys can still f*** like Champs. No problem “getting it up”... no problem “lasting 30 minutes or more”...

No problem BANGING women half their age, or younger…

And banging them well enough to keep them coming back for more.

Hi I’m Adam Armstrong,

And if you’re struggling with low sex-drive or ED…

A lack of energy or strength…

Or just generally feeling anxious or depressed…

I get it.

I understand.

It’s a horrible position to be in…

Your mind knows what it wants…

To feel youthful and be able to enjoy life to the max. But your body isn’t responding.

And I’ve helped thousands of these men to improve their situation… showing them how to boost their sex-drive and performance… improving the quality of their intimate relationships.

And yet…

Despite my best advice…

Some men still struggle. Even when, like my friend Mark, they’re doing “all the right things” and have perfectly healthy blood test results.

Is THIS The Most Shocking Discovery in
“Male Health” in The Past 20 years?

For decades we've been told that higher testosterone makes you more manly

Improving confidence, sex-drive, performance and more.

I've shared this message myself.

But today, thanks to my colleague's research…

I must tell you that this idea, while not wrong, is incomplete.

It’s possible you may have heard dihydrotestosterone is "bad" and levels should be lowered. But I urge you - do not fall for this misinformation.

Do not fall for this LIE!

Lowering your dihydrotestosterone levels is one of the worst things you could do. For your sexual performance, vitality and manliness.

Keep reading and I’ll show you why:

  • Dihydrotestosterone is crucial for libido, erection quality, confidence, energy and more…

  • Low levels of this hormone are linked to loss of "manly" traits...

  • Levels naturally decline with age…

  • Big Pharma demonizes dihydrotestosterone because their drugs lower it! Yet the evidence shows dihydrotestosterone is not only SAFE, but also ESSENTIAL…

  • This is because Dihydrotestosterone activates your Androgen Receptors - the things that make you feel manly - up to 10 times as powerfully as just Testosterone (for this reason, we’ll refer to it as “Super T” from this point onwards)

  • This is why optimizing your Super T (dihydrotestosterone) Levels, along with your testosterone, is the key to maximizing your virility, health, and physical strength as you age...

The benefits of having optimal Super T Levels are staggering. Raising your Super T is not dangerous, it's absolutely vital for you to thrive as a man.

Stick with me…

What you're about to discover goes against the propaganda. But it could change everything if you want to reclaim your power, drive, strength, and prime.

Get Your Levels Up and Feel Literally

The more we dug into the Real Science (not the “bought and paid for stuff” Big Pharma likes to quote)...

The more it became clear that…

Optimizing your Levels of Super T is the key to feeling INCREDIBLE. At any age.

Super T is Essential for Libido and Sexual Function

A 1995 study on 92 men in a Military Campus in Athens, Greece, showed that higher
Super T:

Increases how often you orgasm…

Makes your erections harder and more reliable…

Boosts your sex drive…

Improves morning wood…

If you LOWER your Super T Levels, as Big Pharma would like you to do,
you get the opposite results:




Lack Of

“Morning Wood”

and so on.

Another study showed:

An increase in concentration of 1.36 nmol/l (in Super T Levels) corresponded to an average increase of one orgasm a week.

And yet another study showed that:

Inhibiting dihydrotestosterone (Super T) synthesis impairs corpus cavernosum growth and trabecular smooth muscle relaxation, endothelial function and increases connective tissue deposition. This all contributes to erectile dysfunction, even in the presence of physiological levels of total testosterone (R).

Which means that lowering your Super T Levels makes it more difficult to get an erection, even if you have high Testosterone Levels!

Another study on Super T said…

The… statistically significant effect was an improvement in early morning erections and ability to maintain erections.

Another study said:

Dihydrotestosterone (Super T) is also critical for activating gene expression of neuronal and endothelial nitric oxide synthases, which are critical physiological mediators of penile erection.

Meaning that low Dihydrotestosterone (Super T) Levels will lower your Nitric Oxide, making it almost impossible to get an erection.

I could go on all day…

Quoting study after study after study…

But I think you get the idea…

High Super T levels are ESSENTIAL if you want strong, healthy, HARD sexual performance.

Super T Also:

Makes you more resilient to stress[1] - key for masculinity…

Helps burn fat[2] and stops carbs becoming fat. Indulge without gaining…

Boosts energy levels[3] - vital for getting the most from life…

Reduces man boobs[4] by lowering your estrogen levels…

Improves memory and prevents brain decline[5]

Keeps eyes moist and prevents dryness…

Strengthens bones - crucial as you age to avoid breaks from falls[6]

Prevents muscle loss[7] - staying muscular is a key to living longer…

Bottom line?

You've been told a half-truth. Increasing just testosterone is too simple. What you really need is more Super T to optimize your masculine traits and overall health and performance…

Remember, this is simply because:

Super T activates your androgen receptors 10 times as much as normal testosterone.

Androgen literally means ‘creator of masculine characteristics’...

1 molecule of Super T activates your Manliness literally 10 times as much as 1 testosterone molecule.

Are you starting to see why increasing your levels of Super T could be the best thing that’s ever happened to you?

There are 3 good reasons why Super T WILL work for you…

Even if you’re tried countless other herbs, supplements, diets and “lifestyle changes”...

…and none of them have worked!

It Increases The Key Hormone that Makes You Look, Feel and Perform Like a Man…

Many supplements for men aim to boost Testosterone…But only this formula is designed to boost Super T
The ULTIMATE form of Testosterone.

FACT: One molecule of Super T is 10X as powerful as normal Testosterone.
Because it has a 10 times more powerful effect on your androgen receptors.

Remember: Androgen = Manly.

If you really want to have a HIGH Sex-Drive…

Rock Hard Erections…

And the Energy, Confidence and Health to live your life to the fullest…

Then you HAVE TO optimize your Super T Levels. It is The KING. The Key Hormone for Men.

It Contains Scientifically Proven Nutrients…

In every high quality, easy to swallow capsule of Super T you get…

The exact NUTRIENTS necessary to
MAXIMIZE your Super T Levels.

Each nutrient has been carefully researched and is backed by scientific studies.

The ultimate aim isn’t to “boost Testosterone” (though The Formula will do that)...

It’s to boost Super T.

The Nutrients Are Provided in The Correct Doses and Strengths…

Taking the correct nutrients is good…

However, to optimize your Super T Levels…

And get all the manly benefits. Such as healthy libido, strong erections and high confidence…

You need to take the nutrients in the correct DOSE. And STRENGTHS.

And that’s what you get in every serving (2 capsules) of The Super T Formula…

The correct nutrients. In a scientifically supported dose and strength. To fully optimize your Super T Levels.

These 3 reasons put Super T in a league of its own…

The only product on the market that boosts the specific type of Testosterone that’s 10X as powerful as regular Testosterone!!


What Exactly is It and Why Do You Need it?

Pregnenolone is known as “The Anti-Stress Hormone.”

It’s a chemical found in your body. A precursor to important steroid hormones including DHEA, Testosterone and Super T.

If you don’t have enough Pregnenolone, then it’s impossible to have enough Super T, and your sexual performance and manliness WILL suffer.

Where’s The Proof That it Works?

A study by Orentreich et al[8]. investigated the effects of oral pregnenolone administration on serum levels of Dihydrotestosterone and other hormones in healthy men…

They found that pregnenolone increased Super T Levels by 31% after 8 weeks of treatment, as well as increasing testosterone…

They concluded that pregnenolone has beneficial effects on aging-related conditions such as cognitive decline, osteoporosis, and cardiovascular disease.


What Does it Do and Why Do You Need it?

DHEA is known as “The Youth Hormone,” because levels decline sharply with age.

It’s a hormone that your body produces in your Adrenal Gland. You need enough DHEA in order to produce Testosterone and Super T.

If you don’t have enough DHEA, then it’s impossible to have enough Super T, and your sexual performance and manliness WILL suffer.

Where’s The Proof That it Works?

The snippet below, from, shows the many benefits of DHEA, and shows you why it’s a key ingredient in Super T:

Nettle Root Extract

What Does it Do and Why Do You Need it?

Nettle Root Extract is extremely powerful and nutrient dense. It helps to keep your Estrogen (female hormone) Levels low, and your Testosterone Levels high. Remember: you need high Testosterone, so your body can convert some of it into Super T.

If you have HIGH Estrogen and LOW Testosterone, then it’s impossible to have enough Super T, and your sexual performance, confidence and manliness WILL suffer.

Also, high Estrogen in men is NOT a good thing. Nettle Root Extract helps to prevent the conversion of Testosterone to Estrogen.

Where’s The Proof That it Works?

In a study by Matthew Sharp et al[9] they looked at the effects of supplements on body composition and male performance.

They found that Nettle Root Extract
increased the amount of free (active) Testosterone.

Butea Superba

What Does it Do and Why Do You Need it?

Butea Superba is a powerful herb that grows in India, China, Vietnam and Thailand…

Hardly anybody knows about it in the West, yet it’s been used in Eastern Medicine for thousands of years. To treat low sex-drive and erectile dysfunction. Particularly in middle aged and older men.

Where’s The Proof That it Works?

A study[10] by Cherdshewasart and colleagues examined the effects of Butea Superba on androgenic activity…

They found that Butea Superba

  • Increased the weight of the testes,
  • Seminal vesicles,
  • And prostate glands,
  • As well as the serum levels of testosterone
  • And Super T.

They also observed that Butea Superba enhanced:

Sexual Behavior

Improving Sex-Drive

Erection Strength

And Ejaculation Volume

In another study[11], that took place in Thailand, researchers wanted to see the effects of Butea Superba on males struggling with erectile dysfunction.

The study lasted 3 months, and participants ranged in age from 30 to 70 years old…

82.4% of patients saw significant improvement in their ED, with no adverse reactions.

And that’s not all…

To Maximize Your Super T Levels…

…and Supercharge Your Sexual Performance, Confidence and Manly Traits…

Scientific Studies have also shown that you should take the following 8 nutrients:

Take 2 capsules daily, preferably before a meal. 

What is Super T?

Super T is a safe, natural formula. Designed to help your body create more Super T - so you can look, feel and perform like more of a MAN!

Super T is 10X as powerful as Testosterone. Explaining why it makes men incredibly MANLY.

If you want to boost your sex-drive, erection quality, confidence and overall health and vitality, Super T is the formula for you.

What is The Difference Between Testosterone and Super T?

Super T is a type of Testosterone.

It is the most androgenic (man-making) type. Because it has a ten times more powerful effect on your Androgen Receptors.

Meaning Super T is the type of Testosterone that gives you ALL your masculine traits:

  • Sex-Drive and Performance…
  • Confidence…
  • Energy…
  • Strength…
  • Low Body-Fat…
  • Drive, Determination, Ambition and so on.

You can think of having HIGH Testosterone like somebody writing you a check for $1,000,000. That check looks nice and has A LOT of potential buying power. But it can’t actually do anything for you until you CASH it!

Having High Testosterone works in a similar way. There’s a lot of potential to it, but you can’t realize that potential (manliness, sex-drive, erection quality, confidence, energy, strength etc), until you convert it into Super T!)

Does Super T Cause Prostate Enlargement?

No. The most up to date science proves that too much Estrogen (the female hormone) is what causes Prostate Enlargement, NOT Super T.

That said, if you have prostate enlargement, and you’re on any treatments for it, then we recommend discussing Super T with your Doctor before using it.

Will Super T Make Me Lose My Hair?

There’s a small chance it could lead to some hair loss.

Though the truth is:

Hair loss is much more likely to be caused by stress, genetics and environmental toxins.

Honestly, increasing Super T could increase hair loss in a small percentage of men, if taken over a long period of time. But, you have to weigh up the pros and cons…

Which would you rather:

Keep your hair and have LOW Super T, poor libido, lousy performance, and generally NOT look, feel or perform in a very manly way?


Have HIGHER Super T, maybe lose a bit of hair (though probably not), and have high sex-drive, rock hard erections, loads of confidence, energy to burn, tons of physical strength, lower body-fat, more drive, determination, and, well, I could go on…

But I think you get the idea!

And, let's face it…

Being bald didn’t stop the guys below getting laid, did it? But being weak, emasculated, limp “down there” and having low Super T will!

Is Super T Safe?


All the ingredients are 100% Safe and Natural. Mixed in the precise quantities supported by science.

How Do I Take It?

2 easy-to-swallow high quality capsules a day. Couldn’t be easier.

When Will I See Results?

This will differ from man to man.

That said, most men will see results within 3-5 days. Some will see results quicker, others will take a little longer.

To give yourself the best chance to experience the very best results possible, be CONSISTENT and take 2 capsules of Super T a day, every day.

Is There Anything I Can Do to Get Even Quicker My Results?

Yes, and it’s common sense stuff that most people don’t do!

  • Try to sleep 7-9 hours a night…

  • Eat a healthy balanced diet at least 90% of the time…

  • Do some Cardiovascular Exercise (a 10 minute walk a day is a good start)...

  • Do some Resistance Based Exercise (two 20 minute sessions a week is good. Basic exercises like Push Ups, bodyweight Squats and Lunges will do the job)...

  • Be consistent and take Super T daily. As recommended on the label: 2 capsules/day

Does My Order Come with a Guarantee?

Yes, you can try The Super T Formula with NO RISK today. Your order is covered by our 120 Day Money-Back Guarantee.

In the unlikely event that you decide you want a refund, simply:

  • Contact my support team via phone or email

  • Request a refund

  • Send your bottles back (open or unopened, empty or full)

  • My team will process your refund. No questions asked

How Much is Shipping?

FREE for all orders over $150. Otherwise shipping is $20

What if My Order Fails to Arrive?

We have excellent shipping. Over 99% of our orders get to our US based customers within 3-5 working days. International orders usually take longer, but are still very reliable.

In the unlikely event that your order does not arrive when you expect, then we are here to help…

My friendly, US Based, English Speaking Support Team is available 20 hours a day. 363 days a year. Because we are committed to providing our customers unrivaled support.

You can contact support in 2 ways:


Phone: +1 (917) 675-3052

How Do I Contact Your Customer Service Team?

My friendly, US Based, English Speaking Support Team is available 20 hours a day. 363 days a year. We are committed to providing our customers unrivaled support.

You can contact support in 2 ways:


Phone: +1 (917) 675-3052