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Huge Load Formula Capsules

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Our #1 Formula for increasing Semen Volume, improving Semen Quality and Fertility, and also lowering your Refractory Periods.

The Huge Load Formula contains a unique, Scientifically Supported combination of the highest quality Herbs, Vitamins, Antioxidants and Amino Acids - designed to Safely and Naturally take your Performance to a whole new level in the bedroom.

Give this a try if you want the kind of huge loads that leave your partners Jaw on the floor every time you “finish” - and if you want to be able to have sex more frequently.

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Why Women Love a “Big Load” (and Why
Most Men Fail to Fulfil This Most of
Female Desires)...

The truth is…

Most Women (99.9%) secretly

A recent Scientific Study showed that the average man ejaculates about a teaspoon of semen when he cums.

A teaspoon is not very much…

In fact, it’s kind of pathetic.

Why’s that a problem... Why is blowing an “average sized load” something you should even worry about?

Of course, you could try to reason with a woman and say:

“Hey, what difference does it make how average or small my loads are? It doesn’t change the sex, right Honey?”


You see, the problem is, if you ask women… many of

them won’t even admit a BIG LOAD is something they
care about...

And some women aren’t even aware of it… But the reality is…

They do care. Deeply!


Well, there are 2 main reasons…

Allow me to explain...

Reason 1:
A Big Load Makes You So Much More Attractive to Her’s why…

As much as most people may not think about this consciously, the truth is…

Sex is all about reproduction.

Think about it…

What makes a woman sexually attractive to you?...

Well, whether or not you’re sexually attracted to a woman, at least when you first see her, is all about her physical appearance, right?

Think about what attracts you to a woman…

Maybe it’s Big Boobs…

A woman with a Firm Ass…

Or a pretty face. Or maybe you just can’t resist a woman with sparkling eyes… long blonde hair… or the perfect “Hip to Waist Ratio” (narrow waist, broad hips).

Whatever you find attractive in a woman, the point is:

All these things that make a woman attractive to you come down to 3 things:

1. How YOUTHFUL she looks...

2. How HEALTHY she looks...

3. Whether or not she has good levels of SEX HORMONES...

You see, if a woman looks Youthful… ...if she looks Healthy… ..and if she has good levels of Sex Hormones… ...which all of the feminine physical attributes we just discussed indicate… ...then you’re likely to find her highly attractive...

However, without those physical attributes (or at least some of them), you’re probably not going to find her attractive, right?

But why?

Well, it’s because a woman who radiates Youthfulness, Health and good levels of Sex Hormones is the best possible person for you to REPRODUCE with…

Because she’ll be able to provide you with the best (healthiest, strongest, best looking etc) offspring.

Now, you probably don’t think about this consciously, because it’s instinctual (it’s been programmed into us by NATURE, over the course of MILLIONS of years)...

Yet it controls how you feel towards any given woman:

It controls whether you feel attraction towards her or not.

For women, it’s different…

Why Even Older, Less Good Looking Men
Can be Genuinely Sexually Attractive to

A woman’s “Biological Strategy” works like this…

Women need a man to “provide and protect” (at least while the child is young and vulnerable)...

This means she’s looking for a man who’s strong, confident and dominant...

Someone who’ll be ABLE to “provide and protect” for her…

Now, to GET a woman in the first place, being dominant and confident is the most important thing.

But here’s the thing:

Women don’t just want a man who’s confident…

They also, like men, want to reproduce with someone who’ll give their children good genes...

However, unlike men, they’re not as concerned with looking for indicators of youth...

Because men are still able to father children well into old age...

That’s why a man with grey hair, wrinkles, a bit of extra weight etc, can still be highly sexually desirable to a woman...

Because she’s not looking for indications of youth...

But, just like a man, she IS looking for signs of STRONG SEX HORMONES...

Because this tells her that… whatever age he may be, she’s dealing with a stud

A man who can not only “provide and protect” for her, but who can also give her the strongest, healthiest offspring too.

And, other than confidence, what does she look for as indicators of strong Male Sex Hormones?


  1. The ability to get hard and stay hard without any trouble…

  2. A BIG LOAD.

When you show up in the bedroom confident… HARD… and you fuck your woman senseless…

And then you finish by giving her a “Big Load”...

Now she can’t get enough of you...

...she’s addicted to you...

...because on an instinctual, animal based level, you have EVERYTHING she’s looking for in a potential father of her children...

Now she RESPECTS you...

She ADMIRES you…

She wants you to fuck her day and night (and talk ridiculously dirty to her as you do it)...

Now she wants to do WHATEVER YOU WANT in the bedroom (because women love to make confident, dominant men feel good)...

Reason 2:

Why Women Love a Big Load:
A Big Load is a Huge Compliment to a Woman...’s why...

In the previous section you just learned about what blowing a Huge Load says about you (you’re a big stud), and what it makes her feel towards you (sexual attraction).

But what does it say about her, and how you feel about her, if you blow a big load?

Think about this for a second…

Imagine that a few years ago you met the hottest, sexiest woman you’d ever met, by far…

For years you wanted her, lusted after her, and fantasised about her (often with your cock in your hand)...


...and yet, for whatever reason, it didn’t happen...

But then, somehow, the two of you eventually got together…

And tonight’s the night!...

You finally get to have SEX with her.

You’ve wanted this for years…

She’s your ultimate woman…

You can’t believe it’s happening...

You have sex… it’s amazing... and at the end you cum. You “blow your load”…

“Think about this, right now, in your imagination, and ask yourself: how BIG was your load?”

Was it just a dribble?

...Was it just a teaspoon?

Probably not, right?

Probably, when you imagined that scenario - where you finally got to BED your DREAM woman after years of wanting her - you imagined coming more than you ever have in your life, right?

And, all other factors being equal, you probably would have...

Because the more attractive the woman is (to you), on a deep animal level, the more cum your body is going to try and get inside of her.

It’s as simple as that.


Well, it’s for the exact same reasons as you learned about in the previous section…

On an animal level, sex is all about reproduction…

Meaning: if this is the best woman ever for you to reproduce with, instinctually you’ll do your absolute best to increase the chance of impregnating her…



Cock HARDER than ever, load BIGGER than ever...

Make sense?

So, given everything I just explained, how do you think your woman feels about herself when you can barely dribble out a teaspoon full for her?

You may tell her she’s the most beautiful woman in the world, or that there’s no one else you’d rather be with, and so on.

But talk’s cheap…



If you can barely manage more than a dribble, she knows the truth… she knows that she’s not your fantasy woman...

And that’s PAINFUL for her...

And when she doesn’t feel very desirable to you, it makes her feel unsexy…

Then she’s less likely to want to have sex the next time…

She may even start thinking about looking for a man who is really turned on by her...


Because the reality is, although all women are more turned on by an Alpha…

Many women are also realistic...

Or they have low self esteem…

Or both.

The reality is, truly Alpha guys are pretty rare, and many women know they’re not going to be able to get a true ‘Alpha’ to settle down with them, so they’ll be perfectly happy with a guy who has at least some Alpha traits...

But the truth is, they at least want to be with a guy who they FEEL they are attractive to ...

If a woman feels like the man she’s with is not really desirable, and even worse, she feels like she’s not very desirable to him…

Well, it’s no wonder that the sex becomes so infrequent, or even rare, in so many relationships…

...and that so many marriages end in divorce.


The Secret to Blowing Massive Loads
and Experiencing Orgasms so
Intense and Powerful They’ll
Make Your Head Spin…

Around 10 years ago I became a Sex Coach and Educator, teaching countless men - through books, courses and private phone consultations - how to fully satisfy their woman.

Over the years, the following 2 questions kept coming up from my readers, customers and coaching clients:

“How do I get hard and stay hard on command?”


"How do I reliably shoot massive loads that make my woman
feel good about herself, and make her see me as a stud?"


The first question I resolved years ago, when I released my own wildly successful line of male enhancement products (you may have tried some of them yourself)...

The second question was harder to solve...

You see, over the years I must have tried dozens of different recipes, and nutritional supplements, that all claimed to INCREASE semen volume…

...but the results were always disappointing...

So in the end, I decided to do my own research...

I specifically wanted to find the nutrients that had been SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN to enhance male potency, ejaculate quantity and sperm quality.

And what I found was shocking…

You see, in all the dozens of products I’d tried over the years to increase my load… and all the products on the market currently… most of the ingredients had NOTHING to do with what the product was supposed to do!

Sure, most of the ingredients were related to sex…

Because maybe they claimed to increase Testosterone… or even the ability to get an Erection... but almost none of the ingredients had any research saying they had the ability to specifically increase ejaculation!

So I went to work with an expert, to create a formula that actually worked... where every ingredient had scientific studies showing it’s helpful for THIS SPECIFIC ISSUE.

Since I started taking these nutrients, every woman I’ve slept with, including my wife of today, has commented on the SIZE of my loads…

And always commented with a smile on her face…


Blowing a big load all over (or deep inside) your woman is so exciting...

So fulfilling.

So God Damn sexy.

Women totally LOVE it. In fact, they want, need and
crave it.


This is an Ancient Indian Herb...

In fact, it’s one of the most respected and powerful herbs in the entire Ayurvedic System…

A system for Health, Longevity and Performance, with over 5,000 years of proof behind it, and literally BILLIONS of users over that timeframe...

Ashwagandha is an Adaptogenic Herb (meaning: it helps you adapt positively to whatever life throws at you) and it has an incredible number of health and performance benefits that I know you’re going to love…

Proof it Works:

In a study[1] conducted by Ambiye, Langade et al, 46 male patients with low sperm count were treated with either 675mg of a high quality Ashwagandha Root Extract a day, or a placebo…

After 90 days, the results were amazing…

In the group treated with Ashwagandha, there was:


    A 167% increase in sperm count..
    A 53% increase in semen volume...
A 57% increase in sperm motilit

So, there you go… just this one ingredient - Ashwagandha - can Increase the SIZE of your LOADS by over 50%...

That’s huge.

Now, some of the products that I tried did contain Ashwagandha, but they generally used the much cheaper, unextracted herb, and gave a lower dose…

No wonder they didn’t work!

After more research I learned that the very best kind of extract is KSM-66 Ashwagandha, because it’s the highest concentration, most highly bioavailable, full spectrum root extract - making it much more effective than all the other types of Ashwagandha on the market...

...and it has countless scientific studies showing that it:

Supports Optimal Testosterone Levels...

Supports Fertility...

Supports your Libido (it’s an Aphrodisiac)...

Supports your Erection Quality (hardness and stamina)...

Supports your Brain Function and Memory...

Supports Healthy Blood Sugar Levels...

Reduces your Cortisol Levels...

Reduces your Day-to-Day Stress and Anxiety (the #1 “dis-ease” of the 21st Century - almost everyone is suffering from Stress and Anxiety to some degree)...

Improves your Mood and general Mental Well-Being...

Helps to increase your Muscle Mass and Strength...

Can Reduce Inflammation...

Now, before you rush off and get some, hang on a second… because while a 53% increase in the size of your loads is definitely impressive, I’m sure you want more than that, right?

And that’s where the other ingredients I’m about to tell you about come in...

Because the reality about the formula I’m revealing to you right now, is that…

...while each ingredient is impressive on it’s own, it’s actually the synergy between them which is truly surprising…

The ‘sum is greater than the parts’, meaning:

Combining ALL these ingredients is significantly more powerful and effective than using any of them individually.

Next I need to tell you about...

The Power of Antioxidants

Antioxidants are substances that can prevent or slow damage to your cells caused by free radicals, sometimes called “free-radical scavengers.”

Free Radicals are unstable molecules that the body produces as a reaction to environmental and other stresses.

Why’s this important?


Because these Free Radicals are thought to be the PRIMARY CAUSE OF AGING.

They’re like rust on your car... over time, they wear you down.

Common sources of Free Radicals that cause you to age prematurely include:

Mitochondrial activity (in other words, just being alive)...

Excessive exercise...

Tissue trauma, due to inflammation and injury...

Consumption of certain foods, especially refined and processed foods, trans fats, artificial sweeteners, and certain dyes and additives...

Air pollution...

Cigarette smoke...

Alcohol intake...


High intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids...

Radiation, including excessive sunbathing...

Bacterial, fungal, or viral infections...

Antioxidant deficiency...

Now, most people who recommend that you take Antioxidants won’t tell you the Truth:

That free radicals are not all bad. In fact, your body uses them for some very important functions - like killing viruses and bacteria.

You could think of them as being like ‘chemical weapons’:

Potentially useful against an enemy invader, but not something you want just building up more and more inside your body, day after day, year after year, because excess free radicals also attack your body’s own cells!

Now, another thing that people who try to sell you Antioxidants won’t tell you is that:

  1. Your body makes its own Antioxidants, like Glutathione and Superoxide Dismutase, which are more powerful Antioxidants than almost anything you can take.

  2. Too much of some Antioxidants can actually be bad for your health.

  3. Not all Antioxidants do exactly the same job. I won’t get too far into the biochemistry here, but the simple version is this:

Different Antioxidants help different parts of the body in different ways.

Feeling confused on what to do with all this info?

So was I, but here’s what I realised, and what I want to pass onto you now:

You don’t have to work out which specific Antioxidants will help you to increase your Sperm Quality and Quantity…

...improve your Potency…

...and Boost your Testosterone…

...and you don’t need to try to work out HOW MUCH is the optimal amount to support your body, without overdoing it, or even which is the best form to take...

...because there are studies that have already done that for you! (And, keep reading, because at the end of this educational presentation I’ll make it stupid-simple for you)...

Now, let me tell you about the first antioxidant you should use to supercharge your ejaculations...


The Power of Antioxidants

Acetyl L Carnitine is the most bioavailable form of a conditionally essential Amino Acid called L-Carnitine…

L-Carnitine acts as an Antioxidant, and is regularly taken by people for it’s ability to support:

Healthy weight loss...

Can Reduce Inflammation...

Can Reduce Inflammation...

And energy...

It plays a crucial role in the production of energy (ATP) by transporting fatty acids into your cells’ mitochondria…

The mitochondria act as engines within your cells, burning these fats to create usable energy…

It’s the fact that it helps your body turn fats into energy that’s meant it’s been used for many years for heart health and weight loss...

And, because most Acetyl L Carnitine is found in your muscles, it’s also been popular with athletes and gym goers for many years too...

But what most people don’t know is that it’s also been shown to increase sperm count, sperm motility and sperm concentration, or in other words:

It increases male potency.


For instance, one study (2) A clinical trial conducted on 58 men suffering from infertility, were treated with 2000mg a day of L carnitine for 3 months. Before, and after the end of the L-carnitine treatment, semen analysis and serum levels of LH, FSH, Testosterone, and inhibin were performed.

Now remember, these guys didn’t take any Ashwagandha, or any of the other nutrients you’re finding out about here, and they didn’t make any kind of lifestyle changes. They only took L-Carnitine. One nutrient.

And the Results?

“The mean values of sperm count, total motility and normal morphology of oligo-astheno-teratospermia were notably changed with 3 months of carnitine supplementation.”

In other words, their load was a lot healthier!

“The outcome of this trial demonstrated that L-carnitine supplementation can improve sperm concentration, and count, as well active motility. Additionally it has been noticed that the serum gonadotropin (FSH and LH) levels were noteworthy declined, while serum testosterone and inhibin levels were upraised in infertile males when compared with the levels before the 3 months course of L-carnitine treatment.”


This means that not only were the guys a lot more Potent (fertile) they were also a lot more manly - note the massive improvement in Testosterone with just this one nutritrient!

Another study noted that Acetyl L Carnitine was even more effective than a popular IVF therapy drug at increasing sperm quality! (3)

And does it also help with Erectile Dysfunction?(4)


“For men with low testosterone and erectile dysfunction, ALC has been shown to be more useful than testosterone replacement therapy in restoring normal sexual function. It has also been shown to improve sperm motility in men with infertility.”

Now, in order for me to best explain the other ingredients in this formula, I first need to talk to you about…

“Subclinical Deficiency”:

Most men over 40 are deficient in many important nutrients, because the modern western diet and lifestyle simply doesn’t provide enough of them...

This is primarily due to the heavily processed foods that most men eat on a day to day basis (because it’s quick and easy), that are high in calories but low in essential nutrients.

The thing is, when you have a deficiency in these essential nutrients, your doctor is unlikely to even test for it, let alone tell you if you have a subclinical deficiency.

Why won’t your Doctor tell you about these deficiencies that are negatively affecting your health and performance, and destroying the quality of your sex-life?


The reason is simple:

Doctor’s will only care about a deficiency when it’s REALLY BAD. When it’s at a level where it’s already making you very ill, and could even be life threatening...

THAT is what Doctors consider a “clinical deficiency.”

If you’re deficient to the extent that it’s making you blow small loads… or lowering your T-Levels… or

hurting your ability to ‘get it up’... or even just reducing your energy or mental clarity…

Then they’re simply not going to tell you.

Firstly because most of them won’t test for it, or even realise it’s a problem, and second, because they would consider the level of deficiency ‘subclinical’ i.e. bad enough to cause some symptoms but not bad enough to cause a serious medical issue, and therefore, not worth paying attention to, by their standards.

So with the nutrients I’m going to tell you about in just a second, although most people do not have a ‘clinical’ deficiency, causing serious medical issues like Scurvy or Beri Beri, many Americans do have a subclinical deficiency, or a ‘less than optimal amount’ which does impact their health negatively...

Effecting your sperm quality, testosterone levels, ability to ‘get it up,’ and, indeed, your overall health and vitality...



Take Zinc for example…

If you’re serious about boosting ALL aspects of your sexual performance…

...including semen volume, sex-drive and erection quality… HAVE TO be sure to get enough Zinc in your diet…

...because Zinc is vital for Testosterone production...

...without enough Zinc, your T-Levels will never be optimal, and neither will your sex-drive, erections or loads...

The problem is:

It’s extremely difficult to get enough Zinc in your system from food alone…

...because today’s food quality has been bastardized, and certain minerals, including Zinc, are not as plentiful in plant or animal foods as they used to be...

Worse still…’s really easy for men to get deficient in Zinc, because they need more than women...

...and if you have any kind of digestive issue, like acid reflux, and you’re taking any kind of proton pump inhibitors, then it’s hard to absorb enough Zinc (no matter how much you have in your diet)...


...if you’re not eating A LOT of animal food, it’s nearly impossible to get an optimal amount of Zinc if you’re an active and/or aging male.


Now, as well as being an essential mineral, Zinc is also a powerful Antioxidant…

...for example: it’s often the main ingredient used in sunscreen, to protect your skin from the damaging (free radical) radiation from the sun...

Zinc is most famous for increasing Testosterone, but did you know there’s ample research to show the importance of Zinc for sperm quality and male potency too?

It’s true...

One meta analysis(5), which is where scientists review many studies and draw conclusions from a large body of evidence found that:

“Our results revealed that zinc supplementation could significantly increase the sperm volume, sperm motility and percentage of normal sperm morphology of infertile men. After zinc supplementation, the sperm quality of infertile men was significantly increased.”

And why is this?

“The concentration of zinc in human seminal plasma is higher than that in other tissues. In fact, during the early stages of sperm development, spermatogenic cells reside within the seminiferous tubules, which have a Zinc content similar to or lower than that of other organs, such as the liver or kidneys. Subsequently, sperm encounter, in succession, the epididymis, vas deferens and seminal vesicles, which are characterized by a progressively increased tissue Zinc content. Finally, spermatozoa are ejaculated into seminal plasma, which is essentially formed by prostate secretions in which Zinc is nearly 100 times more concentrated than in blood serum.”

So your semen has 100 times as much Zinc as your blood!

Remember when I said that your body uses different Antioxidants to protect different kinds of cells? Well, can you guess what kind of antioxidant your body uses to keep your semen protected?

This is why Zinc is so effective.

And can taking Zinc increase Semen volume specifically? Can it INCREASE the size of your load?

One study (6) found that:

“Compared with when they were consuming 10.4 mg Zn/day, volunteers consuming 1.4 mg Zinc per day exhibited decreased semen volumes (3.30 vs 2.24 mL) and serum testosterone concentrations (26.9 vs 21.9 nmol/L)”

What this means is that those taking even a moderate amount of zinc had an almost 50% bigger load than those who were only consuming a small amount of zinc every day, for 4 weeks.

Folate and Vitamin B12

Folate and Vitamin B12 are so important that they’re the only two vitamins that Medical Doctors will routinely test for…

This is mainly because a deficiency in either can cause a potentially serious medical issue called anaemia…

...but Folate and B12, which are both water soluble B vitamins, are essential for numerous crucial processes in the body, including, as you’ll see in a sec:

Fertility and hormonal health.

The other reason MDs routinely test for these two nutrients is because deficiencies are common, especially in the case of B12, among vegans and vegetarians.

But hold on thinking you're safe if you eat meat, because even 40% of meat eaters are Vitamin B12 deficient.

Why should you care about these Vitamins?

Let’s start with Vitamin B12, which, as one meta analysis (7) showed:

“In conclusion, the mainstream published work demonstrates the positive effects of vitamin B12 on semen quality: first, by increasing sperm count, and by enhancing sperm motility and reducing sperm DNA damage, though there are a few in vivo system studies that have deliberated some adverse effects. The beneficial effects of vitamin B12 on semen quality may be due to increased functionality of reproductive organs, decreased homocysteine toxicity, decreased levels of oxidative damage to sperm, reduced amount of energy produced by spermatozoa, decreased inflammation-induced semen impairment, and control of nuclear factor-κB activation.”

“increased functionality of reproductive organs”, this, by the way, is “Scientist speak” for what you or I may call “makes your cock and balls work better”

The studies also find:

“In humans, it has been found that vitamin B12 is transferred from the blood to the male reproductive organs, which emphasizes a substantial role of vitamin B12 in spermatogenesis, and hence in semen quality. Supporting studies have shown that plasma vitamin B12 concentrations are lower in infertile men compared to fertile”

And remember, these infertile men were not necessarily so low in B12 that they would be considered by a doctor to have a deficiency worth noting...

...they generally would have had a “subclinical deficiency,” which, as we explained earlier, means:

Bad enough to cause problems, not bad enough to concern a doctor.

And can taking supplemental B12 actually help you? The research says YES:

“In 1984, Isoyama et al. showed that methylcobalamin (B12) administered at 1500 µg/day to infertile, but not azoospermic, subjects, enhanced sperm motility by about 50% of cases after eight weeks of administration. Long-term treatment (>3 months) with methylcobalamin (B12) at 1500 µg/day increased sperm motility in patients with idiopathic oligozoospermia or normozoospermia”


“Since 2000, a number of studies proposed vitamin B12 as a candidate therapy to recover or enhance semen quality. Sinclair proposed vitamin B12 as a nutritional therapy that improved semen quality, mainly sperm count and motility. In 2006, vitamin B12 was suggested as one of the candidate drugs to manage male infertility due to its positive effects on sperm parameters, particularly sperm count”

And what about Folate?

How about WebMD (8) - a very mainstream health website - saying that:

“A new study found a combination of folic acid and zinc
increase sperm count by 74% in men with fertility problems”


And of course I’ve already talked about the importance of Zinc.

A Proven Antioxidant Nutrient Combination

Based on the research I’d done, I knew a good selection of Antioxidant Nutrients would help men, but the question was:

Which ones?

There’s so many products out there…

But most of them seemed like snake oil, because they had very little evidence backing them up...

I was pretty sure that some antioxidants, like Vitamin C, were a good idea...

But I still wasn’t clear about how much of each to use, and in what combination?

I noticed a big study on antioxidants and male semen quality was mentioned over and over again in the research, and when I looked at exactly what they used, I knew I had my answer…

...the combination they used was moderate and safe, but still a highly EFFECTIVE amount of various key nutrients…

...including ones we’ve already talked about, such as:

Then they also included Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Selenium and Co Enzyme Q10…

...all extremely safe and important nutrients that have proven health benefits… and which, in very specific quantities, which I’ll share with you soon, were found to:

“Among 20 infertile patients, over 3 months, Semen analysis data showed a significant increase in concentration, motility, vitality and morphology parameters. Our results suggest that antioxidant treatment improves sperm quality not only in terms of key seminal parameters and basal DNA damage, but also helps to maintain DNA integrity”

And this was in people who had a serious issue with their load…

However, as I always say, preventing a problem is way easier than curing one…

So how much more will having the right level of all these nutrients help you if you don’t have a serious issue yet?

And if you do - if you do already suffer from infertility and/or impotence - you can see that the research makes it clear…

These nutrients really are a ‘no-brainer’ because they’re cheap (compared to drugs), totally safe (unlike drugs), and most importantly:

They actually WORK!

PQQ: A Miracle Nutrient?

I’m always experimenting with new nutritional products and supplements to see what’s out there that’s good...

And I’ll be honest with you:

More than 90% of the products I test do nothing at all...

And over 5% create nasty side effects.

So it’s pretty rare that I find something that actually WORKS…

Something that gives me a result that’s so powerful that I actually notice it.

Sure, some things are good for you, and worth taking, but the effects are often subtle… noticeable over time… at BEST!

But not PQQ, not for me...

The effects were strong, and 100% positive (so long as you don’t count having more energy than you’ve ever felt before as a bad thing).

Let me explain…

I actually discovered PQQ by accident...

As I said, I’m always trying new things, and I started

noticing that my Energy and Mental Clarity were going
through the roof...

I would stay up late into the night, passionate about some kind of project… ...or even just sharing some passion with my wife.

Yet, whereas before, if I stayed up late and slept less, I’d feel like crap in the morning (because I’m not that young anymore)... now I would wake up, after a few hours less sleep than usual, and still feel GREAT…

Full of ENERGY…

Looking forward to fully enjoying the day ahead.

Long story short…

I tried to work out what was causing this effect, and eventually realised it was a product I was taking which contained something called PQQ...

I honestly didn’t even know what it was (I thought it was a B Vitamin), but what I discovered blew me away…

Because PQQ is relatively under researched compared to the other nutrients I mentioned, but don’t worry…

It is a nutrient, not a drug...

It’s found naturally in food and inside our body’s, and is 100% safe (the only side
  effect I could find any user complaining about is that it was ‘over stimulating.’         Meaning, if you take ‘too much’, you might experience what I did: a feeling of too much energy).

However, the feeling is not like drinking coffee (which I never do, because I don’t     like the jittery feeling, or the crash, or the addictive nature of it).

No, the Energy I got from PQQ wasn’t like caffeine, because it was long lasting, and with no anxiety or jitters.

When I found out why, I was super impressed...

You see, almost everything out there that’s designed to give you energy works by increasing your stress chemicals, including caffeine...

They don’t give you real energy… called “ATP” in biochemistry...

Instead, they just temporarily increase your stress chemicals, which gives you the illusion of energy… a temporary rush, followed by a crash...

However, PQQ is different…

The reason it’s able to give you all day energy is because:

“PQQ supports proper mitochondrial function and the cellular development of new mitochondria. Mitochondria are specialized structures inside your cells that are responsible for producing energy (ATP) from the foods you eat.”

Why did I almost fall out of my seat when I read this?

Because mitochondria, and ATP, are the key to EVERYTHING...

When your cells have enough Energy, every system in your body can work better

Systems like:


Not only does PQQ help your Mitochondria - the Energy Factories inside your cells - work better… which CoEnzyme Q10 also does (which is also part of this formula, and works really well with PQQ by the way)...

PQQ is the only nutrient known that actually causes the formation of NEW Mitochondria.

Can you see the benefit in something that not only helps the energy factories you have in every cell work better, but also helps your body grow more energy factories in every cell?

Yet that’s not all, if that were all there was to it, I may not have included it here, because increasing Energy doesn’t necessarily increase Semen Quantity and Quality.

However, it turns out that:

“PQQ is an extremely potent antioxidant and is about 100 times more effective than vitamin C at eliminating free radicals.”

And while human studies have not yet been done, tests in both mice and livestock have shown a significant positive impact on fertility and potency, and there’s enough evidence so that I’ve seen many IVF treatment centres recommending PQQ to their clients to increase the chances of successful conception...

By adding the Superhuman Nutrient PQQ to the other proven and researched nutrients I’ve told you about, are you starting to see how, when you put it all together, this is The Ultimate Formula for Male Sexual Health…

...reflected in your ability to PERFORM in the bedroom.. and produce a load BIG enough to impregnate a whole harem of women?

Once I’d figured out which nutrients were the safest, most effective and most powerful when it came to giving men…

…bigger loads and higher quality sperm…

…healthier T-Levels…

...and harder, more reliable erections…

...the next question was:

“How Can I Combine These Ingredients Into ONE Convenient Formula - that Men Can Benefit From in Just a Few Seconds Each Day?”

I called my manufacturer and had a lengthy conversation with the owner, where I told him about the ingredients - and what I wanted to create…

A formula that’d improve sperm volume and male potency… well as testosterone levels, sex-drive and erection quality…

He was excited to help manufacture this for me (he’s in his 50’s, so he fully understands the need for this kind of formula)... but he also said it’d take some time to source the ingredients in the quality and potency I’d requested.

When we got off the phone, I had to be patient…|

Very patient.

Because it took nearly a full YEAR for the manufacturer to perfect this formula…

Yep, that’s not a ‘typo’...

It took 11 and a half months of research, testing and prototypes before we could agree on the final formula.

Here’s why…

Most manufacturers out there use the cheapest, lowest quality ingredients (explaining why most supplements give you NO RESULTS)…

…many manufacturers also have lousy quality control, so the ratios of the ingredients could be different from bottle to bottle. Not to mention the contaminants that might end up in the capsules.

Worse still…

Many use “Toxic Fillers” to pad out the capsules. These are ingredients that won’t do anything positive for your potency and performance, and could even damage your Health.

My preferred manufacturer is different though…

You see, I’ve used them for years, because they source the exact ingredients I request, in the Purity and Strength necessary to give you HUGE results.

They’re one of the best manufacturers in the world…


Every Bottle of the formula I’ve had them create contains:

The Highest Quality Ingredients On The Planet… …

Mixed in Very Specific Ratios…

And has been through 19 different Safety and Quality Checks before it gets to you...

Even though we source the ingredients from the most trusted sources, every batch of each ingredient that comes through the door goes immediately into “quarantine”, until it’s tested by the lab for any contaminants...

Each ingredient is then analyzed using FTIR spectroscopy—an expensive process that guarantees the material is exactly what it’s supposed to be...

Then the ingredients are tested for microbials and pathogens...

Sometimes, if anything is less than perfect, we have to throw out an entire batch at this stage - but it’s better than the alternative: an unsafe and lousy product...

Also, after the capsules are manufactured, our quality control goes further and tests random samples of the blended ingredients, to make sure the final product contains the exact amounts of each ingredient that it should...

What does all this mean?

Well, when you consume the Formula, you know for certain that:

Every Capsule contains exactly what it should (meaning: exactly what’s on the label)...

Every Capsule is Free From Toxic Fillers (and also free from GMOs, added Salt, Trans Fats, refined Sugar, Artificial Flavorings and Preservatives)...

Every Capsule contains only the highest Quality and Potency of ingredients…


The Huge Load Formula

Here Are The Benefits You will enjoy When You Take Huge Lead Formula...

  • Increase the Size and Quality of your “Loads” - allowing you to totally PLASTER your woman with cum (it doesn’t matter where you spray it on her - tits, pussy, ass or face - she’s going to be screaming with delight, and she’s going to see you as a stud)

  • Increase the Intensity and Duration of your Orgasms - giving you more pleasure when you ejaculate (and because great women like to please their men, your woman will find your longer lasting orgasms a HUGE “Turn On”... plus, she’ll feel your cock throbbing and pulsating for longer inside her, driving her WILD with pleasure)

  • Higher Testosterone Levels, a Bigger Sex-Drive and Stronger Erections - so you don’t have to worry about ‘getting it up’ or ‘losing it’ mid-way through (endowing you with UNSHAKABLE Sexual Confidence - which of course is something your woman, and any other woman(!) will find attractive)

The Huge Load Formula is unique because ALL of the ingredients within it are
Scientifically Proven to:

  • Support Semen Volume

  • Support Semen Quality

  • Support Fertility

In contrast…

During our Research phase we studied the competition and found that in all cases, they contained ingredients that may generally help male sexual performance…

But all the products we looked at contained ingredients that did NOT support Semen Volume, Quality and/or Fertility - even though they were being sold as “Semen Maximizers”

Meaning: if you really want a supplement that’s going to help you shoot bigger, more impressive and more pleasurable loads

Then The Huge Load Formula is exactly what you need!


  • The Huge Load Formula is manufactured in a GMP Certified Manufacturing Facility, in the US (so you know that you’re getting exactly what it says on the label, in each and every capsule)

  • The HUge Load Formula is FREE From Toxic Fillers and Harmful Ingredients (and also FREE From: added sugar, trans fats, refined salt, GMOs and artificial preservatives, colourings and flavorings)

The Huge Load Formula uses only the highest quality, most potent ingredients available - mixed in very precise quantities (to give you the absolute best results in terms of Semen Quantity, Quality and Fertility)

The Huge Load Formula is a proprietary blend of the highest quality, Vitamins, Herbs, Minerals, Antioxidants…

Taking Huge Lead Formula is Easy

3 capsules a day, with liquid. Preferably in the morning, because some guys find it very energizing.


Do Women Really Like a Big Load?

This might be difficult for many men to understand - but yes, 99% of heterosexual women LOVE a big load...

The reasons why are as follows:

  • A huge load subconsciously communicates to your woman that you are healthy, youthful and virile - and therefore: good mating material (since testosterone and semen volume decrease over time, it makes logical sense that BIG LOADS = health and youthfulness)...

  • When you blow a big load, it makes your woman feel good about herself… it makes her feel SEXY, beautiful and FEMININE… it lets her know that you find her very attractive!

How Does The Huge Load Formula Work?

Over the years my team and I have studied a lot about nutrition - particularly how nutrition affects male health and sexual performance...

Even more importantly, we’ve experimented with nutrition, to see what works, and what doesn’t, and of course we frequently get feedback from our customers about what does and doesn’t work…

In The Huge Load Formula we’ve combined the following nutrients - all of which are scientifically proven to increase semen quality and quantity:

  • Ashwagandha
  • Acetyl L Carnitine
  • Zinc
  • Folate
  • Vitamin B12
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
  • Selenium
  • Co Enzyme Q10
  • PQQ

By getting these nutrients in your system each day, in the correct quality, potency and ratios, you’ll be fueling your body with precisely what it needs to increase your semen volume, enjoy stronger orgasms, harder erections and so on.

What Benefits Can it Give Me?

When you take 3 capsules of The Huge Load Formula each day you can expect:

  • An increase in semen volume (you may 2X, 3X, 4X or more your load)

  • Improve your fertility and potency by improving Semen and Sperm Quality and Quantity

  • Longer lasting, more intense orgasms - prepare for your cock to throb for longer and throb more intensely than usual when you cum (in fact, it might throb so hard and intensely it almost hurts. It won’t actually hurt - it will simply be the most intense physical pleasure you’ve ever likely experienced)

  • A bigger sex-drive and harder erections (thanks in part to increased Testosterone Levels)

  • A happier, more satisfied woman in your bed! (because women LOVE a HUGE LOAD)

You may also notice:

Increased energy levels in your day-to-day life

How Long Will it Take to Notice Results?

While many men may experience some good results very quickly, some even after just one dose, most men find that it takes several weeks of taking the formula to get noticeable results.

Why? This is because it takes time for your body to take the new abundance of nutrients it has available, and then use them to improve the quality and quantity of your sperm, as well as improve your Energy, increase your Testosterone and so on.

Plus, lifestyle is also a factor...

To maximise your Results, and to allow the formula to work as quickly as possible, we strongly recommend that you:

  • Take 3 capsules of The Huge Load Formula every day, (be consistent with this)

  • Sleep well (7-9 hours a night)

  • Eat well (natural, unprocessed foods that are high in a wide variety of nutrients)

  • Drink an adequate amount of water each day

  • Exercise moderately most days (walking and lifting weights are great options)

  • Manage your stress levels (meditation is great for this purpose, as is working on your true passion, and not spending too much time tuning in to the “doom and gloom machine” that is the mainstream media)

Is it Safe?

Yes. All the ingredients in The Huge Load Formula are safe and natural.

In fact, you can find ALL the ingredients that make up The Huge Load Formula in regular food!

Given that’s the case, you might wonder:

“Why take The Huge Load Formula at all?”

The answer is:

Although you can, theoretically, get all the nutrients in The Huge Load Formula from FOOD, the reality is:

  • The food supply these days is a disaster - comprised of high calorie “fake foods” that are lacking in nutrients (the perfect recipe for obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, ED and so on)

  • The Huge Load Formula is a convenient way to get A TON of semen volume boosting ingredients into your system each day, in a very simple way (and of course, the ingredients have a myriad of other health benefits - some sexual, some non-sexual).

How Do I Take The Huge Load Formula?

3 capsules a day, with liquid. Preferably in the morning, because some guys find it very energizing.

Can I Take it With Other New Alpha Formulas?

Yes, absolutely.

The Huge Load Formula can be taken alongside ANY of the other New Alpha Formulas - including Rock Hard Formula, Alpha Strength, Go All Night Formula and/or Potency.

Taking more than one formula usually INCREASES results because you end up supplying your system with an even more diverse range of powerful nutrients that help to improve your sexual performance in several different ways.

A great “Supplement Stack” for any man who wants incredible sexual performance would be:

  • Rock Hard OR Alpha Strength (primarily for Testosterone and Circulation)

  • Go All Night (primarily for stamina and the ability to ‘do it’ more frequently)

  • The Huge Load Formula (primarily for BIGGER LOADS and more intense and pleasurable orgasms)

Of course, you should also:

  • Sleep well (7-9 hours a night)

  • Eat well (natural, unprocessed foods that are high in nutrients)

  • Drink an adequate amount of water

  • Exercise moderately most days (walking and lifting weights are great options)

  • Manage your stress levels (meditation is great for this purpose, as is working on your true passion, and not spending too much time tuning in to the “doom and gloom” machine that is the mainstream media)

Is There a Guarantee?

Yes there is...

When you order The Huge Load Formula today, you get a 120 Day Money-Back Guarantee. This means you can try it out properly, for weeks on end, and feel the full effects for yourself.

And, in the unlikely event that you’re not fully satisfied with The Huge Load Formula - for whatever reason - you can then ask for a refund…

Which is exactly what you’ll get. No questions asked. No hard feelings.

I doubt very much that you’ll request a refund though, because I speak from personal experience when I say that:

The Huge Load Formula will give you loads BIG enough to make your woman SCREAM-with-DELIGHT...

And make her see you as a real Stud!

Will it Be Delivered Discreetly?


In a plain packet or box, like this:

When Will My Order Arrive?

Please allow:

  • 3-5 business days for US Orders
  • 7-14 business days for Canadian, British and European Orders
  • 7-21 business days for International Orders

If you have any issues with your order, my best-in-the-business, friendly, native english speaking support team is on hand (363 days a year, 20 hours a day), to help you out…

You can reach them via email or phone:


Phone: +1 (917) 675-3052

What Cards Do You Accept?

Visa, Mastercard, PayPal, Amex or Discover.

If you prefer to order via phone, please call: +1 (917) 675-3052