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Primal Potency Capsules

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If you want the very best Testosterone Booster that’s both Safe and Natural, look no further…

Primal Potency is a unique combination of the highest quality Animal Foods. It’s designed to put back into your system many of the nutrients that the modern western diet leaves out (including Vitamins A, D3 and K2).

Taking Primal Potency can:

  • Enhance your Performance
  • Increase Gains in Muscle Mass & Strength…

  • Support Healthy Weight Loss (burn off Belly Fat and “Man Boobs”)...

  • Boost Energy and Confidence…

  • Improve Sleep Quality, Mood and Brain Function (sharper Memory and increased Mental Clarity)...

  • Make you feel more Driven, Determined, Motivated & Ambitious…

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Why Our Ancient Ancestors - Including Roman Gladiators, Vikings and Olympians - Didn't Suffer From Low Testosterone or Poor Performance...


The 3 Surprising Natural Foods that You Can Eat to Improve Your Testosterone Levels at Any Age (Even in Your 60's, 70's and Beyond)...

Imagine What These 3 Foods Might do For Your Energy, Confidence and Performance...

Dear Friend,

What you’re about to discover is, without a doubt, one of the most little-known, yet incredibly powerful ways to POWER UP your Testosterone Levels and feel like a much fitter, stronger, healthier man.


If you want to end the frustration of having low energy and struggling to build (or maintain) muscle and strength...

If you want to end the embarrassment of low libido and poor performance...


If you want to stop feeling low on confidence, like someone “stole your mojo”…

Then you need to read this letter very carefully to learn about:

The ‘Vitamin’ (that’s really a hormone) that many Health Experts and Doctors refer to as a “Natural Steroid” - you’ll want to take it daily, in the right quantity, to support your Testosterone Levels (and experience a higher libido and better performance)

An Ancient Eastern SuperHerb that comes from one of the Strongest Animals on the Planet - consume it daily to increase your Physical Strength and enhance your muscle mass 

The very best Animal Food in The World for optimizing your Manliness - increasing your T-Levels and Performance (plus… supercharging your Libido, Fertility, Virility and more)

Of course, the end result, when you use what you’re about to read about in this letter, will be this:

  • You'll enhance your Sexual Performance (harder, fuller, bigger response)

  • Increase Gains in Muscle Mass & Strength

  • Support Healthy Weight Loss (burn off Belly Fat and "Man Boobs")

  • Boost your Energy and Confidence

  • Improve Sleep Quality, Mood and Brain Function (sharper Memory and increased Mental Clarity)...

  • Feel more Driven, Determined, Motivated & Ambitious

And generally be a much better MAN!

Ancient Wisdom for Maliness…

Did you know that many of our ancestors, and in fact, many native cultures throughout the world today, eat what’s known as a ‘nose to tail diet?’

In contrast, most of us in the west only eat muscle meat (if anything) and throw the rest away, or feed it to our animals…

Most tribes living in tune with nature would eat every part of the animal (a true “nose to tail” diet)...

In fact, many of them would prefer the Organ Meats, like the Liver, the Heart, and more… and they would, if anything, feed the muscle meats to their dogs. The total opposite of what we do.

The fact is: Organ meats were a staple of our early ancestors' diets. The ultimate “superfood,” and for good reason.

You see, these people (who were more in tune with nature), knew that eating the organs from a healthy animal would strengthen and support the corresponding organs of a human being.

And recent scientific evidence backs it up:

You see, it turns out, this nourishing tradition - eating organ meats - is backed by science…

"Radioisotope labeling studies in animals have shown conclusively that, when eaten, organs and glands selectively travel to the corresponding organs and glands in high concentrations. This research, done at the University of Scotland in Edinburgh, lends credence to the ancient practice of eating animal organs to help ensure health in one’s corresponding organs..."

- Dr. Ron Schmid, ND.*

Our early ancestors knew this, which is why their traditional diets included the frequent and nourishing consumption of organs and glands.

And there’s more...

According to the International Federation of Cell Therapy, "hundreds of scientific studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of cell therapy. By radioactively marking tissue extract, researchers have been able to ascertain what exactly happens with the organ extract and cellular material... Within forty-eight hours of administration, 90% of cell extract of the liver, for example, is attracted to its respective organ in the recipient, making its way to this destination. Various research studies conducted by Kment and Schmid conducted at the University of Vienna, the University of Heidelberg and other leading European universities have demonstrated this by means of radioactive marking. These always found their way to their respective human organs to catalyse regeneration and repair. (1,2)

So there you have it…

Our early Ancestors didn’t have the same lab equipment these scientists did to prove this theory.

They just saw that it WORKED.

So, this isn’t just “Ancient Theory”...

It really is “Ancient Wisdom”...

And, it’s worth repeating:

Eating the Organs from a healthy
animal will strengthen and support the corresponding organs of a human being.

So, if you want to strengthen your Heart… you eat Heart.

If you want to strengthen your Kidneys… you eat Kidneys

If you need digestive support… you eat digestive organs.

And, if you want to strengthen your reproductive organs? Well, we’ll get to that in just a second (it’s not exactly what you might think).

Think about this first though…

Animals understand this Ancient Wisdom. They ‘get it’ instinctively. For instance…

Have you ever seen a pack of Lions take down a Wildebeest on a Wildlife Show?

If you have, you’ll know that the most important Lions eat first, and they DO NOT eat the muscle of the Wildebeest!

They eat the organs! They rip open the middle of the animal and eat the vital organs…

Because they know the most NUTRITION is there…

The most vitamins, minerals and enzymes...

They know they’ll be the strongest and most vital they can be if they eat the organs of their “kill”...

In contrast, the lowest status Lions eat LAST…

And they eat the muscle… the legs, shoulders and so on…

Next Question:

What Do Humans Eat?

Well, somewhat foolishly, when we eat meat, we tend to only eat the muscle! We eat like LOW status lions…or like a Dog, to use my earlier example.

When we eat a big juicy steak: that’s MUSCLE.

Now, I’m not saying that’s BAD for you…

If the meat is grass fed and organic it’s actually pretty GOOD for you…

But it’s not in the same league as the Organ Meats. It doesn’t provide the same level of support or strength for your body.

Now listen…

I used to be a vegan (don’t ask, it was a long time ago). I used to HATE the idea of eating animal foods. And, to this day I really can’t stand the idea of cooking organ meats (you might feel the same about that last point - but don’t worry, you don’t have to cook them and eat them to get the benefits! More on that shortly). First, let me ask you this...

What Did Ancient Gladiators, Vikings, Olympians - and Patients with Low Testosterone Being Treated by Ayervedic Doctors 2,000 Years Ago - All Have in Common?

Well, Gladiators in Ancient Rome generally lived short, BRUTAL, bloody lives…

Forced to fight each other, and even wild animals… for the savage viewing pleasure of rich and poor Romans alike…

Needless to say, the Gladiators wanted every advantage they could get - because their lives literally depended on it…

Especially “advantages” that made them strong, muscular, testosterone-fuelled, manly and powerful…

Of course, back then they didn’t have STEROIDS, so what did they use?

Bull’s Testicles.

They’d feast on Bull’s Testicles(3) because they knew that eating Bull’s Testicles jacked up their Testosterone Levels…

Making them stronger, more muscular and better fighters…

No doubt it also meant they could fully enjoy the beautiful women they were offered if they made it through battle!

Let’s move on from Ancient Rome and Gladiators earning the pleasures of hot sexy Roman women for just a second...

As far back as 2,000 years ago, Ayurvedic Doctors in India started using Bull’s Testicles to treat patients who were suffering with low testosterone, performance issues, physical weakness and so on…

Because they knew the Bull was a very STRONG animal…

And they figured out that when men consumed Bull's Testicles, they became more "bull-like"...

More Testosterone fuelled...

With higher libidio, better performance, increased muscle, strength, confidence and energy. Pretty much the exact things YOU want to experience, right?

And it's not just Gladiators and Ayurvedic Doctors who have a history of using Bull's Testicles to improve male potency...

The original Ancient Olympians(4) got their pre-games hormone boost from chewing on raw animal testicles..

Gaius Plinius Secundus, better known as “Pliny the Elder” - a commander of the Roman Empire’s Army - prescribed eating testicles to improve sexual vigor and to aid men and boys with signs of low testosterone…

In Viking culture, “Súrsaðir hrútspungar”(6) is a meal made primarily out of ram testicles (and enjoyed by the Vikings because it made them strong and unstoppable)…

Plus, you know how earlier I said that when Lion’s bring down prey, they eat the ORGANS first?

Well, that’s true…

However, what I didn’t tell you was that the Alpha Lion - the leader in any pack - eats the TESTICLES first.

Look, I get it

If you’re like me - and probably 90+% of men - the idea of eating a Bull’s Testicles doesn’t sound very appealing…

But, as you can see - eating them is very powerful. And, I’ll explain how you can get all the Testosterone, Muscle Building, Strength Boosting, Man-Making benefits without having to force giant balls down your throat!

So, now that I’ve shown you proof, in 3 different ways (Ancient Wisdom, the instinctive behaviour of wild Carnivorous Animals, and Modern Science) that eating organ meats from strong, healthy animals is a great idea

...because the organ you eat nourishes the corresponding organ in your body…

...then if you want higher Testosterone Levels - and all the benefits that come with it…

...such as higher Libido, stronger harder Performance, increased Sexual Confidence and so on…

...the only logical thing to do is to eat:

Bull’s Testicles!

How to Get All The Testosterone Boosting Benefits of Consuming Bull’s Testicles (without Having to Actually EAT Bull’s Testicles)...

Full disclosure…

I’ve been getting the benefits from eating Bull’s Testicles (without actually having to eat the damn things off my dinner plate) for quite some time now…

And I can tell you…

They really do make you feel like a Bull...

In the gym I feel incredibly “fired up” and motivated to train - and I train A LOT harder than I ever did before…

I sleep better and enjoy higher energy levels and a better mood, throughout the day…

My brain is more “switched on” - my business partner says I’m mentally sharper and more focused.

And, of course, my libido is sky-high, and “performance issues” are thankfully NOT something I have to deal with.

But, the key point here is this:

Eating these Bull’s Testicles is POWERFUL… if you want a STRONGER sex-drive… more powerful performance… and the kind of raw, unadulterated MANLINESS that makes you irresistible to women!... you really owe it to yourself (and your woman) to give it a try…

Now, just before I tell you how to get ALL the benefits without actually having to cook your own Bull’s Testicles and then try to down the things without spewing, let me tell you this…

The Quality of The Organ Meats You Eat is of Paramount Importance…

If you’re going to consume Bull’s Testicles - and Organ Meats in general - you HAVE TO eat only the best quality…

You see, if you eat Organs from conventionally farmed animals, you are eating TOXIC organs…

Think about it…

Most animals today are kept in lousy conditions… fed soy and corn - instead of grass (to fatten them up quicker), plus: they’re given antibiotics, growth hormone and steroids…

And, if you consume the organs (or regular meat or milk) from these animals, then YOU will consume everything they did, only in a highly concentrated (much more toxic) dose...

So please do not even consider eating organ meats from mass produced cattle. It’s not worth it. The negatives outway the benefits.

Now, I studied this extensively, for well over a year, and I came to the conclusion that the NUMBER ONE place on Earth for Cattle of impeccable quality…

Is New Zealand.

Here’s what separates the very best New Zealand Cattle from any other type on the planet:

Pasture Raised...

Grass-fed & Grass-Finished (never fed grains or any other unnatural foods)...

Hormone, Pesticide & GMO Free...

No Antibiotics or Steroids...

This is really important stuff...

you won’t find this QUALITY of cattle anywhere else on the planet - because New Zealand is so remote (and their regulations on pesticides and environmental standards are so strict)...

It’s the most pristine, unpolluted environment to raise cattle anywhere in the world.

Here’s the really cool bit…

I’ve got a supplier in New Zealand, who provides us with top quality Bull’s Testicles (the best on the planet), in POWDERED, Freeze Dried form, which preserves all of the nutrition while only removing the moisture…

Key Point:

This means you can get ALL the benefits of consuming Bull’s Testicles, without having to cook the damn things and then try to chew them down without puking your guts out (which can be much tougher than it sounds - no matter how tough or manly you might be).

Think about that for a second…

ALL the benefits Ayurvedic patients got 2,000 years ago…

ALL the benefits Roman Gladiators got thousands of years ago…

But, unlike those poor bastards (who had to eat the things whole), you can just get the Testicles in powdered form in a capsule! And, check out the quality of the capsulated formula I’ve prepared for you:

Absolutely No Fillers (or) Flow Agents

100% Freeze Dried & Non-Defatted

Third Party Tested For Purity

Allergen Free

Manufactured in The USA

(using Bull’s Testicles from “Best on the Planet” New Zealand Cattle)

It doesn’t get any better!

Knock back 4 capsules a day, with water. Then watch what happens…

It’ll support your T-Levels…

Giving you more Drive…

More Potency…

And more Virility in the bedroom.

Just remember to get your wife to send me a thank you note. Only joking. Kinda. She can if she wants.

Anyway, I’ve got more for you. You see, what I discovered, through expensive, time-consuming research and trial and error, is that if you combine Bull’s Testicles with 3 other ingredients, the power is magnified.



Here’s Exactly How to Make Bull’s Testicles Even More Potent - and Really Send Your Testosterone Levels into The Stratosphere!...

So far I’ve shown you how wise people from Ancient Rome, wise Native Indians and
very wise Ayurvedic Doctors from as far back as 2,000 years ago all figured out that
eating Bull’s Testicles can:

Now I want to talk to you about the other great Eastern System of Health…

The Taoist System.

In the Taoist System they have many herbs that can help your body in countless different ways…

Some herbs are classified as “Medicinal” - and should only be used for short periods of time, under the supervision of a qualified Eastern Doctor.

We will not concern ourselves with such herbs.

The other classification of herbs is called “Supertonic Herbs.” These can be taken for months or even years on end. With no negative consequences.

In fact, the longer you take them for, generally speaking, the better the results. It’s a bit like working out consistently at the gym - 1 month is great. A year is better. 10 years of consistent working out and you might become something really special. A real physical specimen.

One of the Supertonic Herbs in the Ancient Taoist System is called:

Polyrachis Ant.

Although an Ant is only a fraction of the size of a Bull, it’s actually STRONGER
and very physically impressive.

Think about it…

Ants can carry objects that weigh 10-50 times their own bodyweight, above their heads.(4)

This makes them one of the strongest animals - pound for pound - on the planet!

How many guys do you see down at the gym who can even put a barbell weighing the same as their own body weight above their heads?

If you’re struggling for an answer, I’ll help you out…

The correct answer is:

Usually... NONE!

Yet ants can do 10-50 times their own bodyweight! Then take that weight for a walk!

So you see what I’m saying, right?

Ants, though small, are very VERY strong.

And based on what you’ve learned so far, what do you think happens to you when you eat an animal that strong?

What happens when you consume Polyrachis Ant?

Here are a few of the key benefits you can experience:

Higher Energy Levels (inside and outside of the bedroom)

Higher Sex-Drive and Much Stronger, Harder, Fuller Performance (Polyrachis Ant is a serious Aphrodisiac)

Lower Day-to-Day Stress Levels (which means less Cortisol, which, in turn, means more Testosterone)

More Strength and Endurance (used this in the gym and your "gainz" will go through-the-roof)

Now, there are A TON more benefits you’ll get from this Herb - stronger muscles and bones, better Digestion, Liver Protection, the list goes on - but I figured the BENEFITS I just listed above would be of most interest.

How can consuming Polyrachis Ant give you all these benefits?

Because they’re incredibly nutrient dense, meaning, they have more nutrition per gram than pretty much any other food, including some very special nutrients that give them their Supernatural Strength, including high levels of:

Vitamins B1, B2, B12, D and E

Protein (complete source, 42-67% by mass)

Aldehyde Compounds - which may be responsible for giving Ants their strength

ATP (cellular energy)

Calcium, Phosphorus, Iron, Manganese, Selenium, Zinc and other trace elements (many of which are lacking in today’s modern western diet)

Ecdysterone (the naturally occurring growth hormone of insects, which is thought to play a role in its anabolic effects)

Absolutely massive levels of natural, food form Zinc (absolutely vital for Testosterone Production, yet lacking in today’s modern western diet - meaning: many men have Low T because they have low Zinc Levels)

Now you might wonder:

“What’d happen if you consume Bull’s Testicles and Polyrachis Ant Powder on a daily basis?”

And, the answer is:

VERY good things…

Including a serious improvement in your Testosterone Levels and Performance.

However, there’s one more animal derived food that I want to tell you about - because it makes the combination of these powerful animal foods - Bull’s Testicles and
Polyrachis Ant - even more effective and powerful…

Vitamin D3: Nature’s Natural Steroid…

The scientific research on Vitamin D3 is amazing - and it continues to get better every day… a constant stream of new studies proves how safe, effective and healing Vitamin D3 is on the human body...

In fact, many health experts and Doctors have argued that D3 acts more like a safe, natural STEROID than it does a vitamin (which is probably why many athletes are taking it)...

But, honestly, the truth is…

Almost everyone needs to take D3

Here’s why…

In an ideal world, you’d get ALL your Vitamin D3 from the sun - but, to do this, you have to spend 20-30 minutes a day, in the sun, with the majority of your bare naked skin exposed (and many people aren’t prepared to do this, because they have sunburn concerns, or simply can’t do it, because of time constraints or because they live somewhere cold and lacking strong sunlight for large portions of the year)

Vitamin D3 is absolutely essential for Testosterone Production (many men today may have low Testosterone simply because this one thing in their body’s - Vitamin D - is low)

Vitamin D3 plays many other vital roles in the body (including supporting your teeth and bones, your lungs, your immune system, your muscles, calcium absorption, and more)

As you can see…

Having LOW vitamin d levels (like much of the population does today) is a recipe for less than optimal health…

...and a guaranteed way to lower your Testosterone Levels, Libido, Performance and so on.

Now, there are 2 other vital pieces of information you need to know about Vitamin D:

You must take Vitamin D3 (which is animal derived and well utilized by your body - and not Vitamin D2, which is plant derived and far less well utilized by your body)

You should take Vitamin K2 alongside Vitamin D3 (there is masses of science to explain why this is so, the simplest explanation being: because vitamin D3 helps you absorb calcium, however, it is vitamin K2 that influences where this calcium goes. Low K2 status could mean calcium build-up in unwanted places, such as your arteries)

Now our Ancient Ancestors would make sure they would get enough Vitamin D3 in one of two ways, either:

They’d be outside in the sun all day. This is back when we were Hunter Gatherers (before we even had buildings to live and work in, that block us from the sun).

If they were in a colder climate, where they couldn’t get much sun, they’d put even more emphasis on eating high quality animal foods - specifically the organs (because these are the only other way to get a significant amount of Vitamin D3).

You should also be aware that Vitamin K2 is again a vitamin that’s easy to become deficient in - so to prevent this they put a great emphasis on eating Organ Meats and Fermented Foods (the only foods high in K2)...

As you can see, our ancestors put a huge amount of time and effort into getting enough of these nutrients…

This is all backed up by the work of Dr Weston Price... a scientist who travelled the world, visiting remote tribes that had never had contact with anyone from the modern world…

And he found that all those cultures still put a huge emphasis on eating animal foods and fermented foods, getting enough sunlight, and so on…

...and their health and performance was incredible…

Sadly, when modern western cultures eventually found these remote tribes, and gave them our modern processed foods, some of the people in these cultures started eating them… and they paid the price. Even though they had the same genetics, they suffer ALL the health issues we have in the west (like obesity, low testosterone, performance issues, sleep problems, physical weakness and so forth), while their relatives, who lived side by side and kept eating the traditional tribal diets, had no such issues!

The ultimate proof is that:

Dr Price even saw cases of identical twins, where one twin had lived and eaten the modern way and one had lived and eaten the ‘primitive’ way…

...and the ‘modern’ twins would have all the common health problems that we take for granted, while the ‘primal’ twin would have NONE of them.

However, unfortunately, most of us just don’t have the option of joining a tribe, and living in harmony with nature, even if we wanted to.

Yet the good news is, we CAN consume the same high quality nutrition that they did, but you may be wondering...

“What’s the easiest way to get these powerful nutrients into your system each and every day, without consuming anything that tastes bad or is difficult to prepare?”


Primal Potency

A Unique Formula, Manufactured in the US, Containing 100% Pure
and Potent Nutrient Dense Animal Foods:

Designed to Support Healthy Testosterone, Male Health and Virility...

The research and development team here at The New Alpha, along with myself and my business partner - Master Herbalist Elwin Robinson - have come up with a revolutionary new formula…

Primal Potency.

Primal Potency took thousands of hours of research, and over a year to develop…

And it can give you higher Testosterone Levels, a higher Sex-Drive, and a much higher level of Performance in the bedroom…

In addition to:

  • Increased Gains in Muscle Mass & Strength

  • Healthy Weight Loss (burn off Belly Fat and "Man Boobs")

  • Improved Energy Levels and Confidence

  • Improved Sleep Quality, Mood and Brain Function (sharper Memory and increased Mental Clarity)...

  • Increased feelings of Drive, Determination, Motivation, Ambitiousness and MANLINESS..

All you have to do is take 4 capsules a day.

It’s almost embarrassingly simple.

I mean, what you get in every capsule of Primal Potency is amazing:

Grass Fed, Grass Finished New Zealand Bull’s Testicles (Best Quality on The Planet. Period)

10:1 Extract of Polyrachis Ant (that’s 10X as powerful as the RAW stuff most companies will sell you)

A safe and optimal amount of Vitamin D3 and K2

The combination of these ingredients is mind-blowingly effective. So powerful in fact, that I wouldn't be surprised if you become addicted to it…

I certainly am. I take it every day. If that makes me “an addict” - so be it! (It’s 100% healthy).

Primal Potency contains ingredients backed by thousands of years of Ancient Wisdom, endless reams of research papers from the modern scientific world (proving the effectiveness of these ingredients), and even instinctual “Wisdom” from the Animal Kingdom (example: the so-called “King of The Jungle” - the Lion - eats it’s kill’s Testicles first).

Here Are The Big Benefits You’ll Enjoy When You Take Primal Potency...

Higher Testosterone Levels and Better Overall Health and Vitality…

Enhanced Performance (harder, fuller, bigger response)...

Increased Gains in Muscle Mass & Strength

Healthy Weight Loss (burn off Belly Fat and "Man Boobs")

Greater Energy and Confidence

Improved Sleep Quality, Mood and Brain Function (sharper Memory and increased Mental Clarity)

More positive and manly feelings: drive, determination, motivation, ambition and so on...

What Makes Primal Potency
Different and Better Than Everything Else Out There?

It’s 100% Animal Based

These days many companies like to BRAG about how their products are vegan or vegetarian…

But the truth is…

Animal Foods are KING.

You see, it’s animal foods that can have the biggest and most profoundly positive effects on your health, testosterone levels and performance...

When I started consuming Organ Meats (including the Bull’s Testicles in Primal Potency) I felt so much STRONGER…

In the gym, in the bedroom. Everywhere.

My energy went through the roof - no matter what I was doing (and definitely in the bedroom).

People today, especially in America, certainly eat A LOT of meat.

However, the meat they eat is TOXIC… it’s mass produced:

fed on a diet of steroids, antibiotics, growth hormone, soy and corn (which changes the macronutrient breakdown of the meat in negative ways, particularly by lowering the amount of Omega 3 Fatty Acids it contains, as well as including lots of Toxic Chemicals that mess with your hormones - including Testosterone).

What most humans today DO NOT eat is grass fed and grass finished meat. And it’s this QUALITY of meat, especially the organ meats from animals fed this way, that is the “Game Changer.”

Granted, it’s difficult to find that quality of meat - and nigh on impossible to find Bull’s Testicles of that quality.

But fortunately, that’s where Primal Potency excels - because every capsule contains Bull’s Testicles from Bull’s who were grass fed and grass finished (and enjoyed a great quality of life).

I can promise you this…

If you start eating strawberries, oats, spinach or any other so-called “superfood” - they’re unlikely to dramatically improve your Testosterone or Performance (and may have ZERO benefit whatsoever).

However, when you start consuming Primal Potency - and the animal foods within it… including Bull’s Testicles, Polyrachis Ant and Vitamin D3 - you’ll likely be AMAZED at how much YOUNGER you feel…

How much better you perform.

And how much more confident, energized, driven, muscular and strong you become.

The Quality of The Ingredients is Second to None

Quality of ingredients is of paramount importance these days (because most of the food and supplements we consume are, unfortunately, very low quality).

And, low quality ingredients mean:

NO results at best, and negative results at worst.

In Primal Potency you get only the finest quality ingredients…

New Zealand Bull’s Testicles (100% grass fed and finished, non-GMO, no antibiotics, steroids or growth hormone)

10:1 Extract Polyrachis Ant (10X as potent and powerful as the weak RAW stuff most companies try to sell you)

Vitamin D3 and K2 (it’s very important to take D3 with K2, because K2 prevents a build up of D3 in parts of the body where it might not be beneficial)

Primal Potency is manufactured in a top quality US manufacturing facility - so you can be 100% confident that what it says on the label, is exactly what you’re getting in each capsule (this is absolutely NOT the case when many supplements that are made overseas, or in low quality US manufacturing facilities).

There are No Harmful Ingredients, Fillers or Flow Agents

Many supplement companies add harmful ingredients, fillers and flow agents to their products…

Harmful ingredients include things like:

Toxic Sweeteners (for instance: sucralose and aspartame which are both considered carcinogenic)

Ingredients that can provide the results you want, but with potentially hugely negative consequences (for instance: many male potency formulas contain Arginine - which certainly can help you achieve harder performance… however, it also increases your likelihood of a viral outbreak, like Herpes. Needless to say, if you get Herpes, your sex-life will be in a much worse place than it was before)

Harmful fillers and flow agents are a cheap way to get the active ingredients into a capsule. Many companies use these things because they care only about money and profit, and not about the quality of products and the results their customers will get from the products.

Of course, this is a STUPID way to run a business, because it leads to unhappy customers who don’t stick around very long.

Elwin and I run The New Alpha differently…

We spend a fortune developing “best in industry” products, at huge time and cost, because we know that means our products are better at delivering the results you want. And, that’ll likely keep you loyal to us, make you want to refer us new customers and so on.

So sure, our profit margin on Primal Potency probably won’t impress the Accounting Team of a Huge Multi-National Company (who care only about profit from quarter to quarter), but because it’s going to give you MUCH better performance… it’s good business (and Karma) in the long-run.

It Gives You The Nutrients The Modern Western Diet and Lifestyle Leaves Out

The Modern Western Diet is plentiful in terms of CALORIES…

But horrendous when it comes to NUTRIENTS (like vitamins, minerals, amino acids and antioxidants)...

This is a recipe for very LARGE people who are very sick and tired (sound familiar? I think I just described 85%-90% of the US population).

You see, the huge multinational food companies who control the food supply don’t give a rat’s ass about your HEALTH. And they couldn’t give a damn if you end up old and impotent.

What they care about is PROFIT…

So here’s a secret I found out…

Many of the big food companies, including a very famous BURGER chain, actually have scientists working on ways to make their food dissolve in your mouth, and literally slip down your throat (without requiring much chewing at all).

The result?

You eat the damn thing in 2 or 3 minutes (even though your brain needs about 20 minutes of eating to register that it’s no longer hungry), you’ve consumed 1500 or even 2000 calories, yet you’re hungry again 30 minutes later (because while you’ve eaten plenty of calories - you’ve not provided your body with the nutrients it is craving)!

It’s the perfect recipe for obesity, low testosterone, terrible performance, and worse

Primal Potency gives you back what the modern western diet and lifestyle leaves out…


And, it gives you the highest quality of nutrition possible…

New Zealand Bull’s Testicles (to strengthen and support your entire reproductive system)

Polyrachis Ant (to boost your Testosterone Levels, energy and libido)

Vitamin D3 and K2 (incredibly important for your hormonal health and performance)

Bottom line?

If you eat a really shitty diet right now, taking Primal Potency will give you at least some quality nutrition in your system every day.

If you eat a decent diet right now, taking Primal Potency will only make things better.

Either way, your Testosterone Levels and Performance (in hardness, fullness and stamina) will only IMPROVE when you take Primal Potency.

It Doesn’t Have Nasty Side Effects

Many of the things men take to improve their Testosterone Levels and Performance have side-effects…


In some cases, potentially LETHAL.

Certain hormone therapies increase your risk of Prostate Problems (including the most serious prostate problems you can think of).

Certain “Male Enhancement Pills” can literally BREAK your manhood, or worse (Google the side-effects if you want to see what I’m talking about with your own eyes).

Certain supplements - like L-Arginine, which I mentioned earlier - can set you up for future health problems, like Herpes.

Why take any of that crap when you can take Primal Potency instead?

It’s SAFE and NATURAL, yet it can be steroid-like in terms of results (just without the side-effects). Plus… in many cases it’s a lot cheaper than the alternatives.

In Primal Potency you get only the finest quality ingredients…

New Zealand Bull’s Testicles (100% grass fed and finished, non-GMO, no antibiotics, steroids or growth hormone)

10:1 Extract Polyrachis Ant (10X as potent and powerful as the weak RAW stuff most companies try to sell you)

Vitamin D3 and K2 (it’s very important to take D3 with K2, because K2 prevents a build up of D3 in parts of the body where it might not be beneficial)

Primal Potency is manufactured in a top quality US manufacturing facility - so you can be 100% confident that what it says on the label, is exactly what you’re getting in each capsule (this is absolutely NOT the case when many supplements that are made overseas, or in low quality US manufacturing facilities).

Taking Primal Potency Is Easy

  • Simply take 4 captules a day with liquid

What is Primal Potency?

A unique, custom created formulation, containing only animal foods (New Zealand Bull’s Testicles, 10:1 Extract Polyrachis Ant, Vitamin D3 and K2). It’s manufactured in the US - and it’s designed for men who want higher Testosterone Levels, improved Performance, and more of all of the attributes that make you a man…

Muscle and Strength, Energy and Confidence, Drive, Determination, Ambition and so on.

Who is Primal Potency For?

Any man who wants higher Testosterone Levels and better Performance.

Most of our customers are aged 35-40 plus. Our average customer age is 55.

However, even if you’re in your late teens, 20’s or 30’s, you’ll still benefit massively.

How Does it Work?

Primal Potency contains several ingredients that work synergistically to help:

Support and Strengthen your Reproductive Organs

Improve your Testosterone Levels

Giving you:

Enhanced Performance (harder, fuller, bigger response)...

Increase Gains in Muscle Mass & Strength...

Healthy Weight Loss (burn off Belly Fat & "Man Boobs")...

Supercharged Energy Levels and Confidence that's off-the-charts...

Improved Sleep Quality, better Mood and superior Brain Function (sharper Memory and increased Mental Clarity)...

More feelings of Drive, Determination, Motivation & Ambition...

Primal Potency gives you these benefits by providing your body with some of the key nutrients the modern western diet is lacking. It does this through several powerful and ultra-high quality animal foods:

100% Grass Fed, Grass Finished New Zealand Bull’s Testicles (when it comes to organ meats - “like nourishes like”... so if you want more Testosterone, Sex-Drive and Better Performan, you eat Bull’s Balls!)

10:1 Extract Polyrachis Ant (that’s 10X as powerful as the RAW stuff most companies will sell you)

Vitamin D3 and K2 (Vitamin D3 has “steroid-like” benefits, a large percent of the population are deficient, and it’s vital for your Testosterone production)

Primal Potency combines all these fantastic ingredients into capsules, so you can consume them quickly and conveniently each day, with a little water.

Is it Safe?

Yes. Primal Potency contains only high quality, natural animal foods. Nothing toxic or artificial.

What Makes it Different and Better Than Everything Else Out There?

It’s 100% Animal Based (and animal foods are the ones that have the most powerful and positive effect on your Testosterone Levels and Sexual Performance)

The Quality of The Ingredients is 2nd to None (the Bull’s Testicles are from 100% Grass Fed and Finished New Zealand Bull’s Testicles… the Polyrachis Ant is 10:1 Extract… the Vitamin D is D3, not D2... I promise you that you won’t find this quality of ingredients, combined in one formula, anywhere else)

There Are No Harmful Ingredients, Fillers or Flow Agents (unlike many supplements, which do contain harmful ingredients and fillers and flow agents used for economic, not health or performance reasons)

It Gives You Nutrients The Modern Western Diet and Lifestyle Leave Out (organ meats, including Bull’s Testicles, and Polyrachis Ant give you nutrients the modern, western, processed diet leaves out… nutrients that are absolutely essential for your performance!)

It Doesn’t Have Any Nasty Side-Effects (because it’s not a cheap supplement, or a dangerous drug or hormone replacement type product)

Can I Use it Alongside Other Formulas from The New Alpha?

Yes, absolutely.

Doing so is a great idea - it’ll only improve your results.

Why is Primal Potency so Expensive?

Because it contains the very highest quality, concentrated ingredients - so you get the very best testosterone boosting results!

While it may not be ‘cheap’, it’s actually better value than anything else on the market, in terms of quality and results for your $.

And, it’s much cheaper than many of the other things men do when they want higher Testosterone Levels and better Sexual Performance.

For instance:

It’s much cheaper than hormone replacement (that can be HUNDREDS of dollars a month)

It’s much cheaper than pills (they can be $30 or more for ONE pill)

Yes, it’s dearer than many supplements (but do you want to pay $67 for something that works, or $47 for something cheap that does nothing except stress your body’s elimination organs?)

Once you try Primal Potency, I think you’ll think it’s the best $67 you spend all month - because what price can you put on supercharging your T-Levels, improving your Performance, building Muscle and Strength, dropping Body-Fat, gaining Energy and Confidence and so on?

Is There a Guarantee?


You can try Primal Potency with NO RISK - because you’re covered by our 120 Day Money-Back Guarantee

How Will my Primal Potency Order Show on My Credit Card Statement?

Your credit card or bank statement will show a payment to The New Alpha. It will not mention Primal Potency.

How Long Will Shipping Take?

Please allow:

3-5 days for US Orders

7-14 days for Canadian, British and Mainland European Orders

14-21 days for International orders

Of course, we have no control over delays created by your country’s customs and border procedures, if you’re outside the US.

And we also can’t prevent COVID related delays.

Can I Trust The New Alpha?

Yes you can...

Because we’ve been in business for over 8 years now, helping millions of men from over 125 countries worldwide to improve their health and performance.

We also accept payment via Visa, Mastercard. It’s very difficult to have these payment methods in place for over 8 years, unless you’re a very legitimate business.

Do You Have Customer Service, in Case I Need Help with My Order?

Yes we do.

In fact, we pride ourselves on providing our customers with an outstanding level of customer support - available 363 days a year, 20 hours a day (few companies can compete with this level of service).

You can reach Customer Support in 2 ways:


Phone: (917) 675-3052